BASE & VLUK programmes are one or two years, where young athletes will train, play and study full-time at the world famous Stoke Mandeville Stadium.
Our programme provides students with access to the gym, swimming, fitness classes, use of the sports hall, tennis courts, spin & fitness studio as well as track and field.
Athletes will train to compete in various league and cup competitions pitched at their level with exceptional players receiving opportunities to play at step 5 and beyond. Exceptional footballers will be signposted to semi professional and professional clubs.
You will be given a personal Strength & Conditioning & injury prevention plan, We have our own PT who will ensure you make continuous progress throughout your time with us. You will be tested termly with the use of technology to measure performance.
The use of Veo analysis for games and training alongside GPS Playerdata, provides players with information to improve performance and compete against fellow players.