HomeFITC1:1 & Small Group Sessions

Our 1:1 & small group (up to 3 players) sessions provide your child with the opportunity to improve their game in the following ways –

  • Build Confidence – make mistakes, try new things in a positive environment
  • Learn and refine techniques – improve your ability to beat an opponent in a multitude of ways
  • Passing techniques – Develop the type and range of passes
  • Receiving techniques – Scanning & securing the ball in order to finish, pass or cross, run, dribble with the ball
  • Turning – learn skills to disguise and protect the ball
  • Finishing – Repetition and develop muscle memory with a variety of techniques

The first session will be a series of exercises designed to give the coach an understanding of the players technical, physical and psychological needs. Small group work will also involve tactical elements.



Sessions can take place at a venue of your choice, once you have booked we will contact you to discuss your requirements.

1:1/Small Group (up to 3)
1:1 - £30.00 per session
Small Group - £45.00 per session


07825 018306

16 - 19 SPORTS Programme

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