HomeTerms & Conditions

  • I give my permission for my child to take part in the BSA Development course(s). In the unlikely event of accident or illness, I give my consent to any necessary medical treatment to be given by the nominated first aider.
  • In an emergency, If I am not contactable I give my permission for my son/daughter to receive hospital; treatment including anesthetic.
  • I understand every effort will be made to contact the emergency contacts listed on the application form as soon as possible.
  • I understand that it is my (the parent’s) responsibility to inform the club leader of any change in my child’s medical or SEN needs.
  • BSA will not be liable for any loss or damage to a customer’s property.


Full Refunds will only be issued at BSA Developments discretion. In all other cases, a credit note will be offered for parents/children that confirm their cancellation 24 hours prior to the start date of the booked session. Without notification of a wish to cancel a place on the chosen course, no refund/credit note can be issued.


07825 018306

16 - 19 SPORTS Programme

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